
Vendor's goes dark on Unattended Uninstall instructions...

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Try searching for any info on uninstalling Redgate SQL Toolbox online, and you will be hard pressed to find anything.

I was able to discover some info from digging thru the log files, and realized that the vendor was deleting their uninstaller file with all the other %temp% files needed to install. 

Once I found that I copied Redgate.Uninstaller.exe and the config file over to my SCCM source.

When you run it thou, there doesn't seem to be any commandline switches to make this run unattended.

Next, I needed to find a way to select all of the items in the list automatically.

I found that option by looking thru the vendors Install commands. VENDORS LINK

From there I was able to see that I might be able to pass along products "SQL*" to select them all. Which worked great.


Lastly, I needed to see if there were any switches that were embedded within the uninstaller.exe.

Using Microsoft's SysinternalsSuite procexp.exe I was able to look thru the strings included within. To pull this off, you need to have the uninstall.exe process running, then run PROCEXP.exe as an Admin. Then you can see all of the Strings. Otherwise its empty.


So, now we have a complete uninstall commandline that should work... Redgate.Uninstaller.exe products "SQL*" /quiet

Sure enough it does work, but this is as automated as I could get it... the progress bar remains on screen, and the user could technically cancel it.



  • Adding an Update...

    I found that the vendor writes the Uninstaller.exe to C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Red Gate\Uninstaller

    So, you should be able to call it from there. - ekgcorp 6 years ago
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