
Windows 8.1 & App-V v5 tips

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This contains some things I forgot.
Like on Win8 the WinKey + X, brilliant.

So doing this bit of work sequencing apps for Win 8.1 x64, I have to test sequences to make sure they work. So, I have my little powershell script to add the app-V app, and publish it so the shortcuts appear. Is there a better way??? I think there is.



WinKey + X

This is the default setting, giving some handy things to go to.

If you right click on the task bar>Properties> Navigation TAB



In the Navigation TAB tick the option:

Replace Command Prompt with Windows PowerShell in the menu when I right-click the lower-left corner or press WinKey + X


Now when you press Winkey + X: You can get straight to an elevated Powershell


Its just a little bit faster than using the search option from START.

What about the Command Prompt? I run that from Winkey + R.


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