
Windows 8 Mapping Network Drive

I recently ran into an issue where I could not map network drives to our SAN. Mapping between machines worked just fine.

When using UNC paths I recieved "an extended error has occured".

When using NET USE I recieved "system error 2148073478 has occured".


If you run Powershell from your Win 8 machine and run the following command: 

Set-SmbClientConfiguration -RequireSecuritySignature $true

When prompted enter "Y". After a reboot all of my usual drives are now mapped. 


  • Thanks, that took care of our issue. We had our Kace Agent installing from a group policy with source files on an EMC Celerra NAS device. Install failed until I ran the command above. I looked up the error and found an official explanation from Microsoft.

    http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2686098 - ncsutmf 12 years ago
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