
Windows 8 on VMWare

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I downloaded the Windows 8 consumer preview on my VMware machine but I'm not too sure what to do with it. I can't set up my mail through exchange, can't get the skydrive feature. What types of things should I be doing with it?


  • For Skydrive right now it looks like you have to sign in with a Microsoft account, meaning the same credentials you use to log in to your SkyDrive. I gives instructions for that.
    As far as Mail through Exchange, it doesn't look like the Mail client that it has is set up for that. You may have to try installing Office on it to use Outlook, but I haven't tried it. Not sure if it will install correctly or not. - WGM_Jeff 12 years ago
  • Actually I found you need to run windows update to get some of the features to work properly like Mail and Faces. Once I did that things started to work. - nwhistler 12 years ago
  • I did not use windows 8 - candylost 12 years ago
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