
Wise Package Positions opening in March

We have multiple positions opening in Pittsburgh for a large retail company. This is a direct client of ours where our relationship is extremely good. We are looking to fill 4 to 6 contract positions and there are perm positions available if you desire that type of opportunity. Below is a general description for the opportunity we have....

If interested please contact me at jbiskup@beaconhillstaffing.com and we will set up a time to speak.

The candidate must have experience in developing new or repackaging existing software applications using Wise Package Studio or Flexara Admin Studio. Knowledge of scripting (VBS, Batch) or software programming skills (ex. C++ or .net) and advanced Windows XP and 7 skills (registry, system services, etc.). The packaging would be done to support day to day requests and for a project to upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit). Responsbilities: Test existing scripts on Windows 7 32-bit and 64-bit to determine if they install correctly. Make all necessary changes for the script to work with Windows XP, Windows 7 32-bit and Windows 7 64-bit.Communicate with application developers or business representatives on any issues/questions related to the application install. Candidates should have the following experience/skills: Minimum 3 years experience in software programming and packaging applications using Wise Package Studio (preferred) or Flexara Admin Studio. This includes WiseScript Package Editor, Virtual Package Editor and Windows Installer Editor. Experience virtualizing applications using Symantec Workspace Virtualization versions 2.1 and 6.2. is a plus. Strong knowledge of Windows XP and Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit) operating systemsExperience certifying and packaging applications for the Windows XP and Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit) operating systems. Knowledge of Microsoft SMS for software distribution is a plus.


  • i have the required skil u want, but the thing is I am located in India,
    can i get visa from ur end so that I can come there to work. - amit1751 11 years ago
  • Can i have mailid , inorder to send my CV... - sachinpack 12 years ago
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