Add Custom Field from BIOS that reports to K1000 - HP Machine?
Hey Guys,
I looked around at some other questions but didn't see too much - Is it possible to add a custom field from the BIOS of a machine that reports under an asset in the K1000? When the machine checks in, it shows a variety of information but not 'Born on Date' as HP has named it. On the machine itself, is located under 'BIOS - System Information - SERVICE - Born On Date'.
This would allow us to easily determine the ship or born date from K1000, making our machine refresh cycle more accurate. Currently, this can only be checked via a machine locally or on the vendor site by doing some searches which isn't practical and will become more difficult down the line as we have a lot of these machines being deployed.
Does anyone have any experience with creating/pulling custom BIOS fields or know if it's even possible? I thought maybe it would have been a limitation with Kace being a Dell product, but this is no longer the case.
Answers (1)
Top Answer
You won't be able to add it to the Devices table as a field tough, see:
You won't be able to add it to the Devices table as a field tough, see: - Channeler 7 years ago
RegistryValueReturn(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Hewlett-Packard\HPActiveSupport\HPSF\Warranty, Born_On_Date, REG_SZ)
Thanks again! This will make my boss very happy :) - maherfed 7 years ago