Adobe Contribute CS4 silent install
Hello All,
I have this application Adobe Contribute CS4, for which i need to perform a silent installation. I have created the response xml files and am making use of following command line to install the application
Setup.exe --mode=Silent deploymentFile=install.xml
however , this command line returns as Exit code 7 on the command prompt . can somebody please guide me with this. (I have been through every thread on ITNINJA for CS4 applications and on every other forum. Ended up with trying all the permutation and combinations for installing applications)
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Exit code: 7"
However when the same application is installed in full UI without the serial key , it runs fine. And there is no use of using the Adobe CS4 deployment toolkit as it needs a serial key for it to create the install and uninstall xml's and there is no surety it would work fine. If you have worked on any such application in the past, any help would be appreciated - talonsprem87 11 years ago