Adobe Photoshop elements 12.0 in Win7
Executed Adobe photoshop Elements 12.0 "setup.exe" with the command line, eg, start/wait C:\APPL\photoshop\"Adobe Photoshop Elements 12"\"PSE 12"\Setup.exe /UL1033 /V"SERIALNUMBER=XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" application executes silently but when launching PhotoshopEditor, it prompts for Adobe Signin option, but it has to be suppressed.
Please guide, how to suppress this dialog.Dialog attached.
I tried to use APTEE, to suppress Adobe ID reminder window, but no luck on the different machines (Windows 7 x32, x 64) - everywhere I've got Return Code=14. What I did wrong? Can somebody help? - ShamanQueen 11 years ago
Answers (3)
Thanks for the update,
I tried downloading AAMEE 3.1 and started creating Installation package but it says "Valid Installer could not be found", though have chosen the folder path where the set of files are placed.
I suppose this tool is not valid for "Adobe Photoshop Elements 12.0", it is valid for CS6 products and the one I mentioned here is not for Adobe CS6
Have a read of this, it should help.
Normally you have to use the Adobe App Manager (whatever its called) to config the package for enterprise deployments, sometimes you need some XML stuff as well.
Is this the enterprise version? as you should have support for this product from Adobe, they are pretty good at supplying the bits you need to big deployments now.
Adobe makes everthing harder..
I used commandline tool "Adobe Provisioning Toolkit Enterprise Edition(aobe_prtk.exe)" to generate the file prov.xml with this command(only have to be done once before distributing):
adobe_prtk --tool=VolumeSerialize --generate --serial=<xxx-xxx..> --leid=V7{}PhotoshopElements-EMT12-Win-GM –regsuppress=ss
Make sure you have the right priviliges to make the file on the chosen location. You might want to make a folder like c:\temp and do the command from here.
This will make the file: prov.xml which you now can distribute along with the adobe package to client computers. You also need to distribute the adobe_prtk.exe to the client to run the following on the client computers after distribution:
adobe_prtk.exe --tool=VolumeSerialize --stream --provfile="c:\xx\prov.xml"