Adobe Reader patch task stuck at "Status: Downloading" - Any advice?
I'd like to start by saying that I am very much a beginner, and I'm outside of my comfort zone. I have no SQL experience, and very little experience working within the Kace 1000 system other than managing tickets, and checking inventory on existing machines. In order to improve efficiency, and cut down on the amount of "I need updates" tickets, I recently took it upon myself to apply updates for Flash, Java, and Adobe Reader through patch management.
Thank you for your assistance, I'm hoping to get this deployment functional before the end of next week.
The good news is that my Flash and Java updates are getting pushed through to my destination machines without issue. Each of the smart labels share the same SQL settings, where the only variable is: (((KBSYS.PATCHLINK_PATCH.TITLE like '%name%') - '%flash%' - '%java%' - '%adobe reader%'
I copied and pasted the existing SQL entries from the Java and Flash Smart Labels after verifying that each worked individually, and only modified the "title field" as seen above. The bad news is that the Adobe Reader smart label I created from scratch with nearly mirrored settings won't push out to destination machines.
I've tried testing this on two different computers so far. One machine running adobe reader 11.0.04 and the other running 11.0.07.
Under Patch Schedule Detail, at the bottom under "Patch Tasks" I see both of the machines sitting at "Status: Downloading" - Patch Results: Not Patched: 1". No errors are being displayed, and the status won't change past downloading. I've been able to restart the job multiple times, but after Tuesday, the job still failed to run overnight.
I'm providing some information below, and hopefully someone can see the problem to help with a resolution:
Smart Label Detail
Item Type: Patch
Assigned Label: Adobe Reader Updates
Label Detail
Restrict Label Usage To: Patches
Labeled Items: (1) Patch Smart Label
Patches: (2) APSB14-20 Adobe Reader 10.1.12 for Windows
APSB14-20 Adobe Reader 11.0.09 for Windows
If additional information is needed for problem resolution, I will do my best to provide as much as possible. If requested, I will post screen caps.
Thank you for your assistance, I'm hoping to get this deployment functional before the end of next week.
*Edit: Spelling/Grammar corrections. --- Update: Friday November 27, I just checked the job status and it's still stuck. I'm not seeing a "cancel" option anywhere, so it's been standing in front of a "pull" door pushing.
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10 years ago
I understand that it's strange that I'm answering my own question, but since this is "hidden from public view" because "Member is not approved yet" -- I wanted to ensure that this was updated so that when approved, people are able to see the answer, rather than an orphaned question.
The truth is, that the hotfix ( which updated us from v6.2.109329 to 6.2.109330 resolved the issue. Once the update was deployed and the system rebooted, the patch was deployed to the test machines within a few minutes.
Hopefully this helps other people out in the future!
Our KACE system shows this information.
Current Version: 6.2.109329
Available Update: 6.2.109330
I'll provide an update once I'm able to confirm if this resolves the issue. - basic_research 10 years ago