
Adobe Reader XI - Customization wizard difference

I used the Adobe Customization Wizard to create an .mst for the Reader installation. In one section I checked OFF for Protected view. When I installed it, the Preferences in Reader show Sandbox Protections and a box for Enable Protected Mode at Startup. This box is checked. Under that is Protected view and off is selected but it is grayed since the Enable Protected Mode at startup is checked.

I don't want protected mode running but I don't see how to fix that in my installation package.




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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: removedbyuser85960 11 years ago
Green Belt

You can do it at the registry level for sure. I did it too. google, you have lot of sites which show how to turn off the protected view under regedit.

  • I mostly found articles about protected view for Office, but I did watch a video from Adobe. The keys he gave did not work for version XI but I believe the correct one is:

    HKCU | Software | Adobe | Acrobat Reader | 11.0 | Privileged | bProtectedMode

    Set to 1 to enable and 0 to disable - jfrasier 11 years ago
  • yes, it is the perfect one - removedbyuser85960 11 years ago
  • NOW, can I make that registry change in a script to run from KACe? If it was HKLM I would do regedit.exe /s sandbox.reg where sandbox.reg is the export of that key. But since it is current user, how do I get it to apply to the correct user? - jfrasier 11 years ago
  • I keep answering my own questions I think.

    I believe this is not a problem because the logon that I want the settings for is auto-logged on when I would run the script.

    Jane - jfrasier 11 years ago
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