Anyone able to get TeamViewer 9 custom host module working via silent install?
Has anyone been able to figure out how to get a customized host module installed with TV9?
I was able to do this no problem with TV 8 by doing the following
-Customize the host via the website and download the .exe installer
-Obtain the TeamViewer_Host.msi installer
-Configure the settings on the client module and export them to a .reg file
-Keep 3 files in the same location:
1) TeamViewer_Host_setup.exe
2) TeamViewer_Host.msi
3) TeamViewer_Settings.reg
-call the msi installer with "msiexec /i TeamViewer_Host.msi /qn"
This same process has not worked for me with TV9. Anyone getting this working?
Answers (3)
Did you manage to get any further with this?
I'm stuck at obtaining the MSI file. Is it possible to get it from TeamViewer_Host_Setup.exe in version 9?
My update below is how I got the msi install working. The only way to suppress the account assignment modal is by using ADSI Edit and a GP. I'm not an AD admin, so this is now preventing me from doing a mass distribution, which is very frustrating - dgretch 10 years ago
I got it working (mostly)
Had to amend the filename of the msi installer to include "-idc" plus the msi code from the management console ----> TeamViewer_Host-idc123xyz.msi (example filename where 123xyz is the MSI code)
the TeamViewer_Host_Setup.exe file is now longer necessary for custom install
Only thing left to figure out is how to suppress the "Account Assignment" dialogue box that pops up. I submitted a request to support, but if anyone knows how to do this, please advise. I'm sure there's a registry key similar to what we used to suppress the other info dialog box that pops up at first install/launch
I am almost at the same point as you. Do you have more information about how to disable the dialog box for "Account Assignment"?
Thank you in advance. - SupportCARA 10 years ago-
It's not possible without using ADSI Edit and a GPO, according to the TeamViewer support team. Very disappointing, as I am not an AD administrator at my shop, and this is definitely a limiting factor preventing me from rolling out en masse. - dgretch 10 years ago
It only works using ADSI edit as I did several tests today. Works great though. No "Account Assignment" windows even when installing the host manually.
I wonder if any of you succesfully installed the TV9 Host on a Windows XP machine through GPO. Doesn't seem to work here (Windows 7 and 8 machines work).