Anyone can help me deploying Perspective a software incude in IBM Cognos TM1 version 10.2.2 with SCCM 2012
I need to make a application or packages for Perpectives a software include in IBM Cognos TM1 version 10.2.2 then I like to deploy it with SCCM.
I looked around to find answer to my question, but with all the tricks and help ItNinja give to user . I didnt find any working solution to deploy the software. It looked like IBM choose to not give the tools to admin for a SCCM application deployment.
It have no MSI and no setup.exe. Only a ISSETUP.exe and the parameter or option that I found did'nt worked.
What I need to do is install: 1) Perspective software,
2) Forced a English installation ( French OS)
I tried some command line and none of them seem to worked. I am new to the SCCM deployment, I really enjoyed playing with it, but right now I have no clue, how to packages and deploy that application.
Thank you for the help