AppDeploy Toolkit help / Power shell script
Seems that Powershell , Appdeploy Toolkit does not like the following command, nor does using the install in Autoit. I've believe they don't like the %USERDOMAIN%\%USERNAME%. Anyone run into this and have a fix or workaround other than using a batch file. Trying to get away from batch files for packages and applications in SCCM.
Execute-MSI -Action 'Install' -Path 'lsf10.1_win-x64.msi' -Transform 'lsf10.1_win-x64.mst' -Parameters 'ADDLOCAL=ALL ALLUSERS=2 ARPNOMODIFY=1 CLUSTERADMIN=%USERDOMAIN%\%USERNAME% CLUSTERNAME=sas_cluster SHAREDDIR="\\Server name\sas_admin_grp\Prod\SAS_Clients\lsf_conf_win\conf"'
Answers (2)
and leave switch out and it should then run as that account
CLUSTERADMIN Optional. Specify the cluster administrator OS user account name in the format domain\user_name.
If you are using a local user, specify .\user_name and ensure that the user password is the same on all hosts.
The default is your installation account.