
Application packaging for cloud environment

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I have been working on application packaging for typical thick client environments. As currently most of the enterprise users are switching over to Cloud based application hosting model, what would be the future of traditional application packaging? Also, are there any tools which can repackage an application for cloud hosting if available in the market? Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.

Sivatej Rudrakshala

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Answers (1)

Posted by: Badger 9 years ago
Red Belt

It all depends on what you call the cloud. True cloud apps are different, and they are normally handled by the tool creating them. Think along the lines of web based app and IIS.

If your 'cloud' is virtual machines up there in magic land, then you will need traditional 'installers' MSI, I will also include App-V, to make the windows app available on a device hosted in the 'cloud'.


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