
Company is going cloud. Need a solution for KACE.

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Good morning. Our company has decided to finally drop our internal domain in favor of AzureAD in the next 6 months. Is there a good way to just migrate our K1000 users to use their AzureAD logins instead of the local domain? 

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Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: Nico_K 1 year ago
Red Belt

you can simply change the the domain you are querying against.
Go to Settings | Control Panel |User Authentication and change all import filters from your current local AD to the external one.
You need also review your LDAP labels and update them.
Also check Settings | Credentials if you use LDAP queries here for some Credentials.

Posted by: sven.hain 1 year ago
Fourth Degree Green Belt

You can also configure SAML for your AzureAD connection from SMA. If you consider moving SMA in Azure that is also possible. You can find us in the Azure Marketplace. If you only use Inventory, software deployments, scripting and/or patch management in SMA you can also migrate to KACE Cloud which is our SaaS offering. Just reach out to your partner or sales rep to get more information about it :)

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