Applying update patch (10.1.9) to Adobe Acrobat Pro X results in an error message: adobearmhelper.exe cannot be installed.
I am attempting to apply the latest patch (10.1.9) to Adobe Acrobat Pro X in order for it to be rolled out via SCCM 2012. As a company, we have a preference to deploy applications via .MSI. Previous methods to patch Acrobat have worked without issue, but this particular patch is proving problematic.
Using the original download for AcroPro.msi, I am running in the command line :
msiexec /p "C:\PatchDir\AcrobatUpd1019.msp" /a "C:\TargetDir\AcroPro.msi"
The patch applies itself without issue and within the TargetDir it generates 6 additional folders along with the .MSI
However, when testing if the applicaition (run as administrator) will install correctly via command line, an error message is received:
msiexec /i "C:\TargetDir\AcroPro.msi" TRANSFORMS="C:\TargetDir\Custom.mst" /qn REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS
Error 1334: The file 'adobearmhelper.exe' cannot be installed because the file cannot be found in cabinet file '' This could indicate a network error, an error reading from the CD-ROM, or a problem with this package.
If I remove the Custom.mst from the command line, the result is the same. The other point to note is that the AcroPro.msi (for this patch) requires the file to be present within the TargetDir or else the command line will not run at all. Previous installations have not required the .cab file (I assume as this has been unzipped to create the six additional files in the directory).
The adobearmhealper.exe can be found in one of the generated folders in \TargetDir under \Common\Adobe\ARM\1.0.
Attempts to remove the adobearmhelper.exe via MS Orca means that the error message will repeat, but with the next step along. Continued attempts to remove these functions lead me on a wild goose chase to butchering the .msi which is leaves me with the impression I am doing more harm than good.
I have even taken the extra steps of downloading the original .EXE from Adobe as well as the .MSP again to make sure that the files were not corrupt.
Can anybody shed any light on why the error message is being received, why I need the .cab file to be present and preferably a solution to the error.
Your help is appreciated.
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