
Archiving and Scripting Questions

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Alright, I've been pulling my hair out a bit this morning, because I'm trying to find features in our KSMA that should definitely be there, but I cannot seem to find them.

  1. Is there a way to turn off Auto-Archiving? We would prefer to do all our archiving manually.  I don't like that I have to recreate an asset if it archives, and delete the original.  We lose all the asset history by doing that. 
  2. If there is no way to turn off Auto-Archiving, is there at least a way I can search for machines in the PENDING ARCHIVE? I went in to try and send myself a weekly notification of any machines in the Pending Archive, but I see no option for that in the reporting settings.
  3. Scripting:  I would like to have more detailed logs for the scripts we send.  IE: I would like to send the output of the msi.exe logging feature back to the K1000 logs.  Is this possible using the KScript feature?


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Answers (2)

Posted by: SMal.tmcc 5 years ago
Red Belt

set data retention to forever

Posted by: JonnyBarr 5 years ago
Yellow Belt

Inventory, devices, Choose Action, Configure MIA settings. It's in there.

  • That's what I was looking for! Thanks! - covitops 5 years ago
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