

Hi,  Please let me know how to silent OR unattended uninstallation of AUTOCAD LT 2015, Thanks, Channa M

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Answers (3)

Posted by: EdT 10 years ago
Red Belt
The autocad installers are MSI based, so you should be able to get a silent install by adding /qn to the msiexec command line.
HOWEVER, older versions of Autocad installed a number of pre-requisites during the user interface part of the install, without which Autocad would not run. In a silent install, these pre-reqs did not get installed, so you needed to install them separately. For the version of Autocad I packaged for silent installation a few years ago, the final installation had seven consecutive installs.  I believe Autocad LT has pretty much the same installation structure but at the moment I'm not getting access to the trial download to see whether it has changed.
If you have MSI skills in how, look in the Execute UI sequence for custom actions that run installers on the CD. If I recall correctly, these included things like DirectX and VIsual C++ runtimes, and of course these may be different depending on whether you are running a 32 bit or 64 bit install.
Frankly, unless you are intending to deploy to more than 5-10 users, a manual installation is going to be much faster than trying to package and deploy remotely - unless of course the installers have changed a lot in recent releases.

  • Thanks for the reply, but as i mentioned in the query i need silent installation using "setup.exe", i got installation switch and need uninstallation command line.. - channam 10 years ago
Posted by: EdT 10 years ago
Red Belt
Have you read the vendor's installation documentation?  As I recall, Autodesk give pretty good guidance on installation.
If you have, let us know exactly which part is causing you a problem.

  • Need to install as unattendent method, vendor documentation given in UI mode, but i need silent installation. So need silent switch command - channam 10 years ago
    • I do not believe there is a silent switch method for the installation. You will need to install the separate components in sequence as each can be installed silently. - EdT 10 years ago
Posted by: darkdantepl 10 years ago
White Belt
run setup.exe and select "Create Deployment"
set deployment name and location to for example c:\AutoCAD2015LT - this will create your deployment package that will include SCCM and SMS scripts which you may, or may not use - up to you.

You can deploy it with any method you have, just simply create a batch file that will call AutoCAD2015LT.lnk shotcut which will be included in your created deployment

to create install.bat file that will allow you to launch deployment remotely, open notepad and insert this (make sure paths are correct) then save as install.bat

@echo off
@echo Installing AutoCAD 2015 LT ... launching installer.
for %%a in ("C:\ACAD2015LT\ACAD2015LT.lnk") do @start "" "%%a"

thats you sorted, you can deploy it with SCCM, PSTools, Altiris or any other method you want.

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