
Best Practice patching

I am setting up the patching schedules for our server environment. 

Is it best to create a schedule for each severity of patching? (Critical, Important, Low .. etc..)

If so, I am considering creating a detect schedule to include all severity. Then create a deploy schedule one each severity.

schedule detect - critical, important, moderate, low, recommended

schedule deploy - critical

schedule deploy - important

schedule deploy - moderate

schedule deploy - low

schedule deploy - recommended

The schedules would be to detect the on Thursday after patch Tuesday then deploy Friday after patch Tuesday.

I'm creating a test environment for the initial patching then pushing to production after a week.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: Hobbsy 1 year ago
Red Belt

If you are planning on patching at that granular level you may not have time to patch all patches and you will increase server downtime by doing it this way. 

Good luck automating your patching based on Patch Tuesday too, Quest have been deaf to our requests to make this possible for the last few years, but if you want to know how it is possible you are welcome to get in touch.

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