
Boot Disk Problem Error 65

I'm ripping my hair out on this one, and if anyone can offer a suggestion, I'm all ears.

I'm attempting to boot a Dell GXxxx workstation with Dos6.22 and the MS network client software, which is all properly configured to run TCP/IP with DHCP. It boots, starts up, and I have network access from the DOS prompt. I can use the NET USE command to map a drive letter to the NTFS share I established on my 2K3 server. The user account was created especially for this and granted full control to the share, and the directory. I map the drive, change to it, and I can see the contents by typing DIR. I can even successfully execute programs from the share. When I try to write to the share, however, I get EXTENDED ERROR 65, which Googles out to mean network access denied. I've tried different shares, I've tried different user accounts, I've even tried mapping a share on my production box. Everything I've tried has worked exactly as I expected, with the exception of the Extended Error 65. To further debug this, I've tried several different models of Dell GX (260, 270, 280) all with the same results.

Can anyone here recommend or suggest a step I may have missed, or a spot to look? Thank you so much. You can email me direct at mark.weston@telus.com or weston54@yahoo.com, or even call (416) 279-7518. Thank you very much, and have a super day.

Mark Weston

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Answers (1)

Posted by: craig16229 19 years ago
Third Degree Brown Belt
I know you said you set full access for your share, but have you gone back to double check your effective permissions? Default share perms on 2000 server are full/everyone, but not so on 2003.

Craig --<>.
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