
How do I PXE boot using UEFI BIOS configurations?

My Dell Optiplex 9010 is configured for UEFI. When I attempt to PXE boot to the K2000 I get the following error: PXE-E23: Client received TFTP error from server.
In the information displayed from the DHCP server The correct Server IP and boot image (NBP) file name is displayed. However, it does say that the NBP boot file is 0 bytes. I'm suspecting this might be the issue giving me the TFTP error, but why? Is the boot image I create on the K2000 not compatible with UEFI? How can a make it be?
Booting from a USB stick on 200 machines is not acceptable. I should mention that everything works fine during a Legacy PXE boot.

3 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • With UEFI you have to have the same architecture as the device, is your KBE 64-bit? - nheyne 8 years ago
    • No issues using via Legacy boot, seems as though the KBE does not have a efi partition. - jjvillani 8 years ago
    • Yes - jjvillani 8 years ago
  • I used WinPE5 to create the Boot Media - jjvillani 8 years ago
    • Check out this blog: http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/boot-to-uefi-kbe-over-network - nheyne 8 years ago
  • ANYONE??????? - jjvillani 8 years ago

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