Box Edit Packaging difficulties
This application has source as exe, which on extraction gives a msi file and a cab file.It requires .net 4 as a pre requisite.
1) This application when installed on Win 7 32 bit and 64 bit platform gets installed successfully but in eventviewer we can see an error as below :
Application: Box Edit.exe
Framework Version: v4.0.30319
Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: System.TypeInitializationException
at Bgp.Context.Initialize()
at Bgp.Context..ctor()
at Bgp.Program.Main(System.String[])
2) secondly, when logged into user as when the active setup runs we get a dialog box opened to select on installation file under c:\windows\syswow64 -> how can this be disabled?
3) Lastly, during uninstallation of the package , it doesn't get uninstalled as a dll file under "c:\Users\u\AppData\Local\Box\Box Edit\npBoxEdit.dll" to be unregistered,tried un registering it manually thru cmd prompt : command: "regsvr32.exe /u /s "c:\Users\u\AppData\Local\Box\Box Edit\npBoxEdit.dll" .
Now, when tried with uninstalling the application, the same issue rise in log file.
Any suggestions?
I have the same issue when trying to deploy using Altiris. I get the exact screens shown. Only when I use my Elevated credentials instead of the Symantec Management Agent Credential does it install and i dont get the pop window that was posted. I too can use a resolve for this! - ksimington 10 years ago
Answers (6)
Has any worked on this software? If yes, may I know how the packaging was done?
Or, If any faced the same issue as in with other packages? Please help!!!
Test Test Test!
Did you smoke test this first, ie install with the vendor installers as intended (install .net as normal too) ? Did you have those issues above? If not, then the errors are introduced whilst packaging for deployment.
*I suspect its your .Net fubaring stuff btw. - rileyz 10 years ago-
yes, i did try installing vendor MSI in system context , prior to which .net 4 was installed. Application is installing successfully but in eventviewer i can read the error. - Scorp18 10 years ago
You need to test the software before you start working on it, install it as a normal admin user to make sure it works OK. From there you can work out if you introduced the issues yourself in packaging etc.
If you have issues with a normal install, then there is an issue with the software itself, nothing you can do to fix it except contact the vendor. - rileyz 10 years ago
Recently worked on it .
This is per user install application .
So the trick was to install it as per machine rather than per user.
Changing ALLUSERS property and making changes to CUstom table/Directory table.
Setting APPDIR as [AUP]\Box\Box Edit
Then have Run key created for each user when they logon with activesetup.
Pointing it to [AUP]\Box\Box Edit\Box edit .exe
worked with this MSI .. now working fine - pradeepNINJA 10 years ago