
.CAB file silent installation

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Can some one tell me silent installation command line for installing .cab file on XP. I already google it but there is no suitable examples.

Thank you!

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Answers (6)

Answer Summary:
expand "MyCABFile.cab" /f:* "DestinationFolder"
Posted by: jagadeish 12 years ago
Red Belt

The following command line can be used to extract .cab file content..

Check whether it is useful

expand "MyCABFile.cab" /f:* "DestinationFolder"

  • You can run the above command line through VBScript to make it silent - jagadeish 12 years ago
Posted by: lanselots 12 years ago
Fifth Degree Brown Belt

Well I have such thing that I have captured it on XP after what i also need that it works on Win7 but they have different locations for those files, and if I do manual input into MSI then it does not work as expected, that is why I know that there is some command line which do that, basicaly installs cab file silently.

Posted by: Ifan 12 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt

A cab file is just an archive, just like a zip-file. Making it "install silently" depends on what the content is.

Posted by: lanselots 12 years ago
Fifth Degree Brown Belt

Basically it is add-on which saves thos file in one location and I woul like to include that .cab file in to my MSI using command line which installs them to the correct path.

Posted by: lanselots 12 years ago
Fifth Degree Brown Belt

Thank you that worked, just thinking if there is .ocx and other files is it registering them also or just extracting, also not sure is it needed to be regitered or what ever ;)

  • Which method worked for you? - jagadeish 12 years ago
Posted by: vjaneczko 12 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt

It would be best to extract the files from the CAB and add them into a MSI, which will automate the registration process, as necessary.

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