Can Advertised Shortcuts point to folders instead of files?
I am trying to create an Advertised Shortcut to a folder. I can't seem to make this work and wondered if it was actually possible?
It is a folder that I have added to the installation. I'll give this a try. Thanks badger. - beefy66 10 years ago
Badger, this worked a charm. Like you said it's not perfect, but works well. Thanks for your help - beefy66 10 years ago
missed your comments... glad it worked though - Badger 10 years ago
Answers (2)
Which folder??? a locally installed folder or a folder on the network??
It can get a bit tricky, essentially yes, you can do it. Here is how I do it (Not necessarily the best way, but how I do it)
Create an LNK file (shortcut) to the folder you want.
C:\Windows\explorer.exe "path to the folder you want opened"
Now add the FILE (the lnk file) to your package (making the assumption that the package with an advertised shortcut is actually an MSI) Yes I know that means you have to add a file, which is a pain if the 'package' is JUST a shortcut.... but I think its better in the long run.
For the component that adds the .lnk file, make the LNK file the key path.
Now you can create an advertised shortcut for that component. (tidy up the icon for the short cut so it looks pleasing)
If your package has any other current user information, like reg keys or files, then the advertised shortcut will initiate the self repair to get this pulled down.
Hope that helps