
Can I run a script/task in KACE to join Azure AD?

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I am currently just signing in to Windows using an admin account after imaging to join Azure. I'd like to automate that in KACE. I can't find any documentation that explains how that would work. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!

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Answers (3)

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Posted by: sven.hain 2 months ago
Fourth Degree Green Belt

Top Answer

You can create a provisioning package based on the guide from Microsoft that you can find here

Afterwards you can create a post install task with type "Provisioning Package" where you attach the created ppkg file and run the following command line:

powershell -nologo -executionpolicy bypass -noprofile -Command "Install-ProvisioningPackage 'FILENAME_OF_YOUR_PPKG_FILE.ppkg' -QuietInstall"

I have that in my SDA as well and it worked for me.

Posted by: awelch 3 months ago
White Belt

You can use windows configuration designer to create a package that will use an azure bulk enrollment token to join Entra ID. You could then probably write a PowerShell script to deploy and execute it?

Posted by: stogiefan 3 months ago
Yellow Belt

Thanks! I am using KACE to deploy images, I was hoping to create a scripted task to log into AAD/EntraID with a single user. 

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