
Can I upgrade Windows 10 build 1809 using the Windows Feature Updates function?

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I've got a bunch of about 300 laptop that have been used for home working during Covid that are running the 1809 build of Windows 10. 

All are on KACE with the version 11 agent installed. I am trying to upgrade the build to a newer version (Ideally I'd like to get them to 21H1). I've enabled the Feature Updates in KACE and can see upgrades to 1903, 1909 and 21H1 available in the schedule Wizard. I have targeted a number of laptops running 1809 but KACE doesn't recognise it can upgrade these. Has any suggestions? Is this upgrade path from 1809 possible using KACE?


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  • Did you ever find an answer for this as I'm having the same issue? Trying to get all to 21H1 and anything older than 1909 that I have I'm unable to patch. I get the same thing, devices showing complete with nothing patched. - jdmj23 3 years ago

Answers (2)

Posted by: horacior 3 years ago
Second Degree Brown Belt

I had to deal with the same problem, laptops returning to campus with 1803,1809.

Here are 3 options:

  • You could use the Windows Feature Updates function, however, you can't go straight to 21H1. you are required to go by steps; 180X ---> 190X then 21H1.
  • Another option is using the Windows Update Assistant a stand-alone installation from Microsoft that allows you to do the jump from 180X to 21H1.
  • Now, in my case was easy just to reimage all the 200 + laptops with a clean 21H1 image, since I didn't need any data stored on them and they are ready to go again. (this was less painful of all 3 options 2-3 days tops)

Hope this helps!

  • Were you upgrading via the enablement package? I've only seen those stepped requirement when using that.
    https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/kb5000736-featured-update-to-windows-10-version-21h1-by-using-an-enablement-package-75a01e67-3b5f-4677-8efe-42852e41c7cf - Kiyolaka 3 years ago
    • We did test it with both enablements, and also used the Business edition package. but just took too long for the upgrade process to be finished. My image took only 25 mins and had a fresh 21H1 Windows Pro system ready. - horacior 3 years ago
Posted by: Kiyolaka 3 years ago
Third Degree Green Belt

What edition of windows 10 are you using? Enterprise, Pro, edu, etc.  If using edu or Enterprise I reccomend sticking with the H2 builds for their extended servicing support. 

I've personally updated systems from 1709, 1803 and 1809 to 1909 via the feature update module so it should be doable... What happens if you try to deploy 20h2 with it?

  • How were you able to get Kace to update systems from out of support versions as described or were they still in support? - jdmj23 3 years ago

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