Can someone give me a good script to use that will successfully install Java 32bit and 64bit?
I want to be able to install it silently if possible. I want to also turn on automatic updates for Java when it is installed.
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I also want to be able to remove the older versions during the install. - 11 years ago
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Posted by:
11 years ago
You can find every silent switch here:
and a good blog about Java silent deploy:
...and we'll just guess what language you'd like the script to be in. Or maybe you're talking about BAT/CMD? Or KBox? See the problem when you give just *too much* information? :-) - anonymous_9363 11 years ago
And which version you want to install/uninstall... I bet we can give you a good answer if we have more information - tecrumors 11 years ago
I was installing the latest version. It was Version 7 Update 40. I was able to figure it out. Thank you. - 11 years ago
It would be excellent if you could provide your solution as an answer to this problem for others who may encounter your issue. - rschauer 11 years ago
This is what I did for the latest version of Java Version 7 Update 40:
On Success
1. Run the batch file "Remove Old Versions of Java" with params "".
2. Run the batch file "Wait" with params "".
3. Launch "$(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR)\jre-7u40-windows-x64.exe" with params "/s /v /norestart AUTOUPDATECHECK=0 JAVAUPDATE=0 JU=0"
This worked for both 64bit and 32bit versions of Java. You just have to change out the file. - 11 years ago