
Can't import Inbox.dbx file

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I am using Outlook Express 6 and would like to import my Inbox.dbx file.

Through Outlook Express, File/Import/Messages/Microsoft Outlook Express 6/Import Mail from an OE6 store directory/Brouse & select the "Mail" file with all the dbx. files, I am able to import all the files except the Inbox.dbx file.

The "source" Inbox.dbx shows it as having 10,737 KB.

When I move the "source" Inbox.dbx into it's own folder, and try to just import it, I get a:

"No messages can be found in this folder or another application is running that has the required files open. Please select another folder or try closing applications that may have files open." message.

Even doing a restart (soft boot) doesn't make any difference.

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Answers (2)

Posted by: EdT 10 years ago
Red Belt
What are you importing this file into?
Posted by: jerardi 10 years ago
White Belt
here is a link that might help you:   support.microsoft.com/kb/270670     'How to backup and restore outlook express data. Good luck.
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