
Can the Asset Tag information in BIOS Displayed in KACE Inventory Reports?

How can I pull the asset tag info in the BIOS (maintenance, asset tag - not service tag number) to display in my inventory reports?  We populate that field with our company's inventory barcode numbers. It's extremely important that our inventory barcode information display in our inventory reports

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  • I don't think the Question has been answered. I am looking for the same thing. There is a Asset Tag Field recorded by the K1000, it shows up under Inventory, Devices if you look at the hardware section and it is in the bios. But how do we create a report that will include the Asset Tag in the report. My work isn't using the Assets section yet, but I want to see which computers already have the Asset Tag set in the BIOS, and what it is. But I can't find the option anywhere in Reporting, or the option to add it to the list of fields displayed or exported in Inventory. We are still running 6.0, has the option been added to 6.3? - jevahl 9 years ago

Answers (2)

Posted by: jverbosk 12 years ago
Red Belt

Have you tried using the report wizard to create an Assets - Computer report?  If it's a custom asset field, it should be present in the list there.

If you need a custom SQL report to include more info than the wizard will give (i.e. including data from other tables), then you'll need to join the ASSET table into whatever query you already have.  Typically you can join using a common item from one of the ASSET_DATA_# tables that corresponds to another table (i.e. MACHINE).  Since Asset fields are unique to each K1000, I would use the wizard as a starting point to identify which table and columns you will be targeting.  Or, you can hop right into the ASSET table using a tool like the MySQL Query Browser to determine this.

If you need help getting started with SQL queries and how to setup the MySQL Query Browser, this might help:


Hope that helps!


  • Beat me to it! - jknox 12 years ago
  • What can I say - I love queries! ^_^

    John - jverbosk 12 years ago
Posted by: jknox 12 years ago
Red Belt

I'm not as familiar with reporting, but if you set up a custom field for this in your asset, I believe you should be able to select it in the report wizard.  For instance, I have additional fields that I created in my computer asset:


Outside of that, you should be able to run something like this in a Windows 7 command prompt to see what is actually in the BIOS:

wmic systemenclosure get smbiosassettag

  • And as a custom inventory rule:
    ShellCommandTextReturn(cmd /c wmic systemenclosure get SMBIOSAssetTag) - brucegoose03 9 years ago

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