
Can we create a custom installer msi package of MS Office 2007 or later?

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I want to create a custom installation package of MS Office 2007 (Word, Excel, PowePoint only).
Is it possible with MSI Generator ver 3x?
I've tried with ver 2.8 but it failed. Shows an error "a cab file is corrupted or unreadable".
I've tried with EMCO MSI Packager ver 5, it worked but its size was more than 300mb.

Thanks for your help and support.

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Answers (2)

Posted by: Badger 10 years ago
Red Belt


Run the office 2007 setup.exe with the /admin switch and use the OCT the way Microsoft recommend. So you wont actually be using MSI Generator, just the OCT tool.

You will create an MSP file, check out web links on the command line to use to install them on your target machines.



Posted by: EdT 10 years ago
Red Belt
Do not EVER contemplate repackaging any MS Office application. Always use the Microsoft tools to create custom configurations. Any other approach will almost certainly make the resultant package incapable of having updates patches or service packs applied.
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