
Can you use a batch file to install a program through KACE?

I am having issues trying to install MicroStation using a batch file script. I have accessed the network share where the deployment of the program exists and the installation begins, but eventually I receive error 1603 stating that "a fatal error has occurred during installation". Does anyone have any insight as to why I would be able to run my batch file successfully by running it on the PC itself but not through KACE?

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Answers (1)

Posted by: SMal.tmcc 9 years ago
Red Belt
the install runs as system

To use the network share in an install batch

create a user with r/o rights to the share
then in your batch file on the first line do a "net use X: \\server\installshare /user:domain\rouser password
then go to the x drive in your install batch to run the apps on the share. 
for the last line do a net use x: /delete

  • Like SMal said, the agent runs as LocalSystem, which does not have admin rights and typically doesn't have access to the network.

    You can test batch files and other installs by using this method. If it works, then it will work as LocalSystem: https://support.software.dell.com/k1000-systems-management-appliance/kb/111788 - jknox 9 years ago
  • This is the batch that I use:


    net use x: /delete

    net use x: \\servername\KACE_test\Micro /user:domain\KACETEST Kt12345678 /p:yes

    "x:\MicroStation V8i (SELECTseries 3)\setup.exe"


    KACETEST is the user that I created that has read only rights. Kt12345678 is the password. I am still receiving the same error. Am I missing something? - A.C. Jenkins 9 years ago
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