
Cannot find Microsoft Visual FoxPro Support Library

Recently I have been replaced in another office of my company. I received an application build in foxpro but I can`t open it in normal way. There is an error I always get: "Cannot find Microsoft Visual FoxPro Support Library". I use the latest foxpro version and I suppose it can be a cause of the error..because I don`t know the version of creating of this specific file. I tried to run the file in other versions, but no results. What can I do to skip the error?

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Answers (3)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: Cluwytion 9 years ago
White Belt
Try to open it in Notepad or in kind of hexadecimal editor. Do you know the path to your exe? Right click on the exe and press edit with notepad. You need to change the file extension to txt to let it open in notepad. Then search for "FoxProRunTime" and notepad will go there. The Run-time version should follow this text. If you don`t see it, well, it can be VFP DOS EXE, not VFP.

If you want to solve this issue without problem and quickly, find useful third-party. I can advise Recovery Toolbox for DBF. 

Posted by: anonymous_9363 9 years ago
Red Belt
Download the SysInternals 'Process Monitor' utility and run it. It will show you every file and registry access that the machine is making. Using the toolbar buttons, turn off all filters except the file and registry ones.

Let it capture things for a few minutes, then right-click on the process names and select 'Exclude [process name]...' You need to do this in order to keep out clutter that you're not interested in, e.g. your anti-virus program.

Now start your FoxPro app. You should see the EXE attempting to read registry data and files. That should provide with some more clues as to what the EXE is expecting to find on your machine.
Posted by: Badger 9 years ago
Red Belt

I have had that, a later version of the VisFox pro resolved it for me. Then another time I needed quite an old version.
Have a look at the application see if any files or reg keys give you any clue. You might have to install and older version. I think I used InstallShield to add the VFP MergeModule to an MSI. Then did the testing on a clean machine until I got the right version.

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