
Change automaticaly ticket state and ticket owner when the owner edit the ticket

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I'm a beginner with KACE Service Desk.

I'm looking for a tips to answer my question.

When I open a new ticket and I add a first comment on it. I would like that the state value change automaticaly and the owner change also to my name. 

It's possible ? If yes, how can do that ? 

Thank you in advance !

Nathan N.

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Answers (3)

Posted by: Nico_K 4 years ago
Red Belt

You can do it by using Custom Ticket Rules.
See here for a primer:

Posted by: KevinG 4 years ago
Red Belt

Ticket rules are very powerful and dangerous at the same time.

if you are not an experienced user with the SQL language and the tables associated with the service desk.

You can have unexpected results and/or corrupt your service desk ticket data.

Ticket rules should be tested on a non-production appliance prior to deploying.

It is also highly recommended to make sure you make a full backup of your production appliance prior to applying a new ticket rule and the backup files are off loaded from the appliance.

Posted by: service.informatique@faun.fr 4 years ago
Yellow Belt

Thank you for reply !

I gonna test that. But If you have any other solution I'm listening

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