Change default homepage in IE and Firefox
Hello All,
Currently when users open a web browser on our public computers it opens 2 tabs by default, our home page and our library catalog. We are changing to a new catalog with a new web address and I was curious if any one knew of a script to set the default web pages in IE and Firefox.
Thank you in advance!
Answers (3)
A. Internet Explorer Edit following registry key: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main] "Start Page"="" B. Mozilla Firefox Make changes to files:
In IE 7 you could define it via this key:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]
“Start Page”=””
Unfortunately Firefox doesn't use the registry for this setting so you'll have to modify the config file:
Thanks for the help mpace! - Mlib 11 years ago
If these are lab computers I would recommend controlling the settings with group policy. If you don't have Active Directory setup you can still use group policy locally and even have KACE push out the relevant registry keys. There are some add-ons that allow Firefox to be controlled through GPO but I don't have experience with them. Google Chrome is much more managable if you have the ability to switch.