Completely silent install
Browsing ITNinja and Google hasnt answered my question yet. I was wondering if it is possible to silent install Paint dotNET 100% without any GUI showing. As of now the developer of Paint dotNET has created an automated process where it still shows a progress bar etc. He has also included a parameter to generate a .MSI to be deployed via GPO's.
Does anyone know of a method to make it completely silent?
Answers (1)
I have found the answer on accident, the solution to my question was:
Step 1:
Create the .MSI via the command listed below: /createMsi CHECKFORUPDATES=0 DESKTOPSHORTCUT=0
The last two parameters are optional, to see them all visit the website of the manufacturer for a list:
These parameters are embedded into the .MSI and therefor eliminate the need for a seperate .MST file.
Step 2:
Pick the .MSI that fits your OS (note: X86 doesnt work on X64). And use the command below to 100% silent install it.
MsiExec.exe /i "%LOCATION%Setup\PaintDotNet_x64.msi" /quiet
It all looks very easy when i finally got it to work..