
Configuration manager 2012 - Driver Update

Hi All,

Been reading the forums for a while and been stuck on a package i've been trying to deploy for a video card driver, we have corrected this in the new builds but need to deploy to a specific model laptop that are existent in current environment.

the package acutally works, the problem i have is that it require a reboot and Software Centre Advises the user that the package failed because of the fact it needs the reboot.

Tried playing around with the return codes and even tried the following script.

Setup -nopause -noreboot
exit /b 0

Now this doesnt give the user an error saying the package has failed however in Software centre its still failed, untill you reboot then hit "retry" which automatically corrects it to "installed"

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Answers (2)

Posted by: rileyz 9 years ago
Red Belt
So if its waiting for a reboot, its still a success pending the reboot?

Is it a MSI? If you can mess around with the return codes in SCCM.

But I suspect its not as it should return a 3010 if its pending a reboot.

  • Sorry forgot to mention it is a .EXE.
    When the PC/Laptop reboots and the user is logging in the software is installed then, it is only really unpacked and prepared for installation from the first steps.

    Similar to a BIOS update however this is happening after POST. - Yoey 9 years ago
  • Should I make the batch file return 3010?
    I'm completely stuck, I just need to somehow make SCCM re validate on its own without having to hit retry and get the installed status - Yoey 9 years ago
    • I have a feeling if you want proper return codes, which that executable is obviously not giving you. YOu will need to repackage it into a MSI, this is not easy and should not be tried unless you know what you are doing. Since these are drivers, are you able to use DPIsnt? Also what drivers are, give details as someone else might have come across this before, and if not atleast someone, if they have the time can check the problem for you.

      I suspect you might be going about this all wrong, you should be able to use the unpacked files, as that is the exitcode you're effectively trying to capture, not the unpack exit code. Anyway more details would help. - rileyz 9 years ago
      • Ok,so the video driver package is put on hold and i didn't really want to make a new thread.

        We have a BIOS update that must go ahead which im having the exact same problem with the BIOS.

        Information about the package
        E7440 Dell Bios Update

        I have deployed it using a similar batch file.

        E7440A08.exe -nopause -noreboot
        exit /b 0

        Getting the same thing were the computer needs to reboot, and SCCM detects this as Failed.

        Changed the user behavior to 'The software install program might force a device restart', however its still having the same issue.

        Once again sorry to change the topic, however i think there both similar sort of issues and at least i can provide some more info regarding this.

        Performing a:

        E7450A08 -nopause -noreboot
        echo Exit Code is %errorlevel%

        I get exit code 2.

        Detection method:
        VB Script
        'Change strBIOSUpdateVersion to the version you are deploying to

        strBIOSUpdateVersion = "A08"

        'Get BIOS Version from Win32_BIOS

        Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")

        Set colBIOS = objWMI.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_BIOS")

        For Each objBIOS In colBIOS

        If objBIOS.SMBIOSBIOSVersion >= strBIOSUpdateVersion Then

        WScript.Echo "Detected"

        End If

        Next - Yoey 9 years ago
      • It's been awhile since I have used SCCM. But from what I recall your "exit /b 0" should get you a good exit code.

        I have a feeling this is more of an SCCM thing than package, though that does play a part. With SCCM, what kind of Deployment are you doing? A "Program" or "Application" deployment type?

        Also a note with your detection, you shouldnt used script like that for detection, what you should do is make a custom collection with the target devices as part of a dynamic query (so it will grow and shrink as you add/remove devices). SCCM should collect the basic information - so it will know the model numbers of your Dell devices, if you're lucky it might inventory the bois version! - rileyz 9 years ago
Posted by: Yoey 9 years ago
White Belt
So the problem isnt how i've packaged the device, Thanks to Rileyz i've noticed its the detection method causing it to fail.
Is there a easier way to do a detection method for a Bios update?
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