
Converting vbs script into msi through Installshield custom actions


I am having a bit of difficulty with a vbs script that I've created to append entries into host file, tested and working fine.

The 1st thing I did was to go through custom action wizard and did this under the common tab.

2nd thing I did was to copy and paste vbs script into the script tab section of the custom action.

Then I cloned the 1st custom action and renamed it uninstall. Look at pic for more details

Then I added a registry for flagging purposes. Also the guid will be for inventory and tracking purpose.
After that I compiled the ism to msi, ran the msi but its not appending the host as expected in the vbs I created.

Any ideas of what I am doing wrong?

Thank you in advance for you help!


2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • First, the path to the script has a space in it but it's not quoted.

    Second, the 'Script function' is where you put in the name of the function within the script. Yes, that's right...WI has to call functions (or subs) and can't run "stand-alone" script.

    Just wrap up the code in a 'Sub Main...End Sub' construct and put 'Main()' as your 'Script Function' entry. - anonymous_9363 10 years ago
    • Hey VBScab, I just just saw your reply so thanks for following through. When you say: 'Script function' is where you put in the name of the function within the script' what if I have multiple function within my script which one do I know to choose. I am not sure to understand.

      Thank you - Vado 10 years ago
  • Ok thanks for taking the time to help me out...

    Here is the script I found and modified >>What it does it delete line entry based on ip addresses and re-adds the entry afterwards<<<

    Option Explicit

    Dim objShell, strSystemRoot, strHostsFile

    ' Get the location of the hosts file
    Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    strSystemRoot = objShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%systemroot%")
    strHostsFile = strSystemRoot & "\system32\drivers\etc\hosts"

    ' Delete an entry in the hosts file specifying IP address
    DelHostEntry strHostsFile, ""
    DelHostEntry strHostsFile, ""

    ' Delete an entry in the hosts file specifying host name
    ' DelHostAlias strHostsFile, "MYNEW.HOST.COM"
    ' DelHostAlias strHostsFile, "ANOTHER.HOST.COM"
    ' DelHostAlias strHostsFile, "YETANOTHER.HOST.COM"

    ' Add an entry to the hosts file
    AddHostAlias strHostsFile, "remote.itindustry.com", ""
    AddHostAlias strHostsFile, "remote.dta.engineering.com", ""

    ' Support routines below here, do not modify <<<< DO NOT ALTER BELOW HERE
    Function GetHostAliases(strHostFile,strIP)

    Const fileRead = 1

    Dim objFSO , objFlagFile
    Dim strLine, arrHostEnteries , strHostAliases, i

    Dim Seps(2)

    strHostAliases = ""

    Seps(0) = " "
    Seps(1) = vbTab

    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    If objFSO.FileExists( strHostFile ) Then
    Set objFlagFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strHostFile ,fileRead)
    Do While Not objFlagFile.AtEndOfStream
    strLine = Trim(objFlagFile.ReadLine)
    If strLine <> "" AND Left(strLine,1) <> "#" Then
    If InStr(strLine, "#") > 0 Then
    strLine = Left(strLine,InStr(strLine, "#") - 1)
    End If
    arrHostEnteries = Tokenize( strLine , Seps )
    If( UBound( arrHostEnteries ) > 0 ) Then
    If UCase(arrHostEnteries(0)) = UCase(Trim(strIP)) Then
    For i = (LBound( arrHostEnteries ) + 1) _
    To (UBound( arrHostEnteries ) - 1)
    strHostAliases = _
    strHostAliases & arrHostEnteries(i) & " "
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End If
    GetHostAliases = Tokenize( Trim(strHostAliases) , Seps )
    End Function

    Sub DelHostEntry(strHostFile,strIP)

    Const fileRead = 1
    Const fileWrite = 2
    Const fileAppend = 8
    Const SPACES = 20

    Dim objFSO , objFlagFile
    Dim strLine, strNewHostFile , strNewHostLine, arrHostEnteries, i
    Dim nNameLen
    Dim nAddSpaces

    Dim Seps(2)

    Seps(0) = " "
    Seps(1) = vbTab

    strNewHostFile = ""
    strNewHostLine = ""

    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    If objFSO.FileExists( strHostFile ) Then
    Set objFlagFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strHostFile ,fileRead)
    Do While Not objFlagFile.AtEndOfStream
    strLine = Trim(objFlagFile.ReadLine)
    If strLine <> "" AND Left(strLine,1) <> "#" Then
    arrHostEnteries = Tokenize( strLine , Seps )
    If UBound( arrHostEnteries ) > 0 Then
    If UBound( arrHostEnteries ) = 1 OR UCase(arrHostEnteries(0)) = _
    UCase(Trim(strIP)) Then ' Check for Aliases and remove it not correct
    strNewHostLine = ""
    nNameLen = Len(arrHostEnteries(0))
    nAddSpaces = SPACES - nNameLen
    strNewHostLine = arrHostEnteries(0) & Space(nAddSpaces)
    For i = (LBound( arrHostEnteries ) + 1) _
    To (UBound( arrHostEnteries ) - 1)
    strNewHostLine = strNewHostLine & " " & arrHostEnteries(i)
    End If
    End If

    If strNewHostLine <> "" Then
    strNewHostFile = strNewHostFile & strNewHostLine & vbCRLF
    End If

    Else ' Comments and Blank Lines Added Here
    strNewHostLine = strLine
    strNewHostFile = strNewHostFile & strNewHostLine & vbCRLF
    End If
    strNewHostLine = ""
    End If

    Set objFlagFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strHostFile ,fileWrite)
    objFlagFile.Write strNewHostFile

    End Sub

    Sub DelHostAlias(strHostFile,strHost)

    Const fileRead = 1
    Const fileWrite = 2
    Const fileAppend = 8
    Const SPACES = 20

    Dim objFSO , objFlagFile
    Dim strLine, strNewHostFile , strComment, strNewHostLine, arrHostEnteries, i
    Dim Seps(2)

    Dim nNameLen
    Dim nAddSpaces

    Seps(0) = " "
    Seps(1) = vbTab

    strComment = ""
    strNewHostFile = ""
    strNewHostLine = ""

    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    If objFSO.FileExists( strHostFile ) Then
    Set objFlagFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strHostFile ,fileRead)
    Do While Not objFlagFile.AtEndOfStream
    strLine = Trim(objFlagFile.ReadLine)
    If strLine <> "" AND Left(strLine,1) <> "#" Then
    If InStr(strLine, "#") > 0 Then
    strComment = " " & Right( strLine , _
    Len( strLine ) - InStr(strLine, "#") + 1 )
    strLine = Left(strLine,InStr(strLine, "#") - 1)
    strComment = ""
    End If
    arrHostEnteries = Tokenize( strLine , Seps )
    If UBound( arrHostEnteries ) > 0 Then
    nNameLen = Len(arrHostEnteries(0))
    nAddSpaces = SPACES - nNameLen
    strNewHostLine = arrHostEnteries(0) & Space(nAddSpaces)
    If UBound( arrHostEnteries ) = 1 Then
    strNewHostLine = ""
    strComment = ""
    For i = (LBound( arrHostEnteries ) + 1) _
    To (UBound( arrHostEnteries ) - 1)
    If UCase(arrHostEnteries(i)) <> UCase(Trim(strHost)) Then
    strNewHostLine = strNewHostLine _
    & " " & arrHostEnteries(i)
    ElseIf UBound( arrHostEnteries ) = 2 Then
    strNewHostLine = ""
    strComment = ""
    End If
    End If
    End If

    If strNewHostLine <> "" Then
    strNewHostFile = strNewHostFile & _
    strNewHostLine & strComment & vbCRLF
    End If

    Else ' Comments and Blank Lines Added Here
    strNewHostLine = strLine
    strNewHostFile = strNewHostFile & strNewHostLine & vbCRLF
    End If
    strNewHostLine = ""
    End If

    Set objFlagFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strHostFile ,fileWrite)
    objFlagFile.Write strNewHostFile

    End Sub

    Sub AddHostAlias(strHostFile,strHost,strIP)
    Const fileRead = 1
    Const fileWrite = 2
    Const fileAppend = 8
    Const SPACES = 20

    Dim objFSO , objFlagFile
    Dim strLine, strHostEntry, strNewHostFile , strNewHostLine, _
    strComment, bFound, bOmitRemainder, arrHostEnteries, i
    Dim Seps(2)

    Dim nNameLen
    Dim nAddSpaces

    Seps(0) = " "
    Seps(1) = vbTab

    bFound = False
    bOmitRemainder = False

    strComment = ""
    strNewHostFile = ""
    strNewHostLine = ""

    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    If objFSO.FileExists( strHostFile ) Then

    Set objFlagFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strHostFile ,fileRead)
    Do While Not objFlagFile.AtEndOfStream
    strLine = Trim(objFlagFile.ReadLine)
    If strLine <> "" AND Left(strLine,1) <> "#" Then
    If InStr(strLine, "#") > 0 Then
    strComment = " " & Right( strLine , _
    Len( strLine ) - InStr(strLine, "#") + 1 )
    strLine = Left(strLine,InStr(strLine, "#") - 1)
    strComment = ""
    End If
    arrHostEnteries = Tokenize( strLine , Seps )
    If UBound( arrHostEnteries ) > 0 Then
    nNameLen = Len(arrHostEnteries(0))
    nAddSpaces = SPACES - nNameLen
    strNewHostLine = arrHostEnteries(0) & Space(nAddSpaces)
    If UCase(arrHostEnteries(0)) = UCase(Trim(strIP)) Then
    'Check the entries for certain IP...
    For i = (LBound( arrHostEnteries ) + 1) _
    To (UBound( arrHostEnteries ) - 1)
    If UCase(arrHostEnteries(i)) = UCase(Trim(strHost)) Then
    bFound = True
    strNewHostLine = strNewHostLine _
    & " " & Trim(strHost)
    strNewHostLine = strNewHostLine _
    & " " & arrHostEnteries(i)
    End If

    If Not bFound Then
    strNewHostLine = strNewHostLine _
    & " " & Trim(strHost)
    bFound = True
    End If

    Else 'Check if it exist in different IP ranges and remove them
    If UBound( arrHostEnteries ) = 1 Then
    strNewHostLine = ""
    strComment = ""
    For i = (LBound( arrHostEnteries ) + 1) _
    To (UBound( arrHostEnteries ) - 1)
    If UCase(arrHostEnteries(i)) <> UCase(Trim(strHost)) Then
    strNewHostLine = strNewHostLine _
    & " " & arrHostEnteries(i)
    ElseIf UBound( arrHostEnteries ) = 2 Then
    strNewHostLine = ""
    strComment = ""
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End If
    If strNewHostLine <> "" Then
    strNewHostFile = strNewHostFile & _
    strNewHostLine & strComment & vbCRLF
    End If
    Else ' Comments and Blank Lines Added Here
    strNewHostLine = strLine
    strNewHostFile = strNewHostFile & strNewHostLine & vbCRLF
    End If
    strNewHostLine = ""

    If Not bFound Then
    strNewHostLine = Trim(strIP) & " "_
    & Trim(strHost) & vbCRLF
    strNewHostFile = strNewHostFile & strNewHostLine
    End If

    Else ' File doesn't exist so create it and write
    strNewHostFile = Trim(strIP) & _
    " " & Trim(strHost)
    End If

    Set objFlagFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strHostFile ,fileWrite)
    objFlagFile.Write strNewHostFile

    End Sub

    Function Tokenize(byVal TokenString, byRef TokenSeparators())

    Dim NumWords, a(), i
    NumWords = 0

    Dim NumSeps
    NumSeps = UBound(TokenSeparators)

    Dim SepIndex, SepPosition
    SepPosition = 0
    SepIndex = -1

    for i = 0 to NumSeps-1

    ' Find location of separator in the string
    Dim pos
    pos = InStr(TokenString, TokenSeparators(i))

    ' Is the separator present, and is it closest
    ' to the beginning of the string?
    If pos > 0 and ( (SepPosition = 0) or _
    (pos < SepPosition) ) Then
    SepPosition = pos
    SepIndex = i
    End If


    ' Did we find any separators?
    If SepIndex < 0 Then

    ' None found - so the token is the remaining string
    redim preserve a(NumWords+1)
    a(NumWords) = TokenString


    ' Found a token - pull out the substring
    Dim substr
    substr = Trim(Left(TokenString, SepPosition-1))

    ' Add the token to the list
    redim preserve a(NumWords+1)
    a(NumWords) = substr

    ' Cutoff the token we just found
    Dim TrimPosition
    TrimPosition = SepPosition+Len(TokenSeparators(SepIndex))
    TokenString = Trim(Mid(TokenString, TrimPosition))

    End If

    NumWords = NumWords + 1
    loop while (SepIndex >= 0)

    Tokenize = a

    End Function - Vado 10 years ago

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