Copy current user key to all users and future ones
Is there already a solution available that copies a current user reg file to all users and future users?
It's because I have a software deployment that must be made and 2 current users keys that must be added but for all users. A big thanks!
Answers (3)
There is a widely known Active Setup to help you with this kind of problem.
mmm, let me have a look - kingskawn 11 years ago
Or you could write a scheduled task that lists all your users on a machine and then writes the required values to all new users on your machine.
But Active setup (or even just advertised shortcuts with correct placement of the regkeys in user-components) is easier. The shortcut checks if all components of the application are present at start of the application and if not installs the missing user parts. - EVEEN 11 years ago
Config of an Active Setup via CMD
if not exist "%systemdrive%\Active Setup" md "%systemdrive%\Active Setup"
if not exist "%systemdrive%\Active Setup\%AppName%" md "%systemdrive%\Active Setup\%AppName%"
rem copy /y "%~dp0[File.Ext]" "%systemdrive%\Active Setup\%AppName%\[File.Ext]" >>"%LogFile%"
copy /y "%~dp0UserInstall.cmd" "%systemdrive%\Active Setup\%AppName%\UserInstall.cmd" >>"%LogFile%"
reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\%AppName%" /v "StubPath" /t REG_SZ /d "\"%inst%\Active Setup\%AppName%\UserInstall.cmd\"" /f
Does anybody have any suggested reading materials about Active Setup ?
Currently we pay an external person to do all out packages I'd like to know a little more - accesser 11 years ago-
Have a look at or
I used these two articles and that's pretty much it, it's not that trickey to do. - olditguy 11 years ago