Create folder and copy the file to %localappdata%
need to make a script that checks if a folder exists in %localappdata%. If not, it could create a folder called Google and then unzip a folder in that destination.
At first all is right with the script, but he understands %localappdata% (c: \ users \ User \ AppData \ Local) it performs all the following path C: \ Windows \ system32 \ config \ systemprofile \ AppData \ Local \ Google.
Anyone have any idea?
Sorry my english.
Answers (2)
check "run as all logged in users" for this script.
Marked to run with all connected users, but it still returns the following:
Running the: SYSTEM
Directory DOES exist: C: \ Windows \ system32 \ config \ systemprofile \ AppData \ Local \ Google
Activity Log
Checking if directory exists: C: \ Windows \ system32 \ config \ systemprofile \ AppData \ Local \ Google - fcord 10 years ago
In common with most deployment systems, Kace uses the local System account. Use Active Setup to populate folders in the logged-in user's profile. Active Setup is well documented on MSDN.
Al igual que la mayoría de los sistemas de despliegue, Kace utiliza la cuenta del sistema local. Utilice Active Setup para rellenar las carpetas en el perfil del usuario que ha entrado. Active Setup bien documentado en MSDN.
Por favor, disculpe mi español!
Marked to run with all connected users, but it still returns the following:
Running the: SYSTEM
Directory DOES exist: C: \ Windows \ system32 \ config \ systemprofile \ AppData \ Local \ Google
Activity Log
Checking if directory exists: C: \ Windows \ system32 \ config \ systemprofile \ AppData \ Local \ Google - fcord 10 years ago