Creating a silent installer for Adminstudio 11.5SP2
I am working on creating a silent install setup for AdminStudio 11.5 sp2. I tried /?, /help, -help switches to see the command it supports but it throws error saying that these commands are invalid.
Is there any guide which provides information on the switches which can be used to create a silent installation setup OR if I can create a answer file for the setup?
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I quote
AdminStudio115.exe /silent PRODUCTID=xxxxxxx-xxx-xxxxxxxxxx
Here's some more info about command line options for Advanced UI / Suite installers:
Evan Border
Senior Consultant
Flexera Software"</q> - rad33k 10 years ago
Product name: AdminStudio 11.5 SP2
Product version: 11.5
Size: 553 MB (579 936 576 B)
Language: English (United States)
and /silent switch suppressed all the installation dialogs. - rad33k 10 years ago