
Custom Ticket Field Conditional Logic

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I am trying to create custom ticket fields on 10.0 and notice that the option for condition logic does not appear on the custom field. Is there a way to enable conditional logic on custom fields?

2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • They would have to be a single or multi-select for conditional formatting to be available.

    Checkboxes are going to be supported in an update coming soon. - toneal 5 years ago
    • Thank you, I do have it set as a single select field with 3 options but it still does not allow for conditional logic. - dfriedman 5 years ago
  • We use the conditional logic. To do so;
    * Queue Customization > Default Layout and Ticket Fields > Required needs to be set to Not Required - this will in turn allow you to use the conditional logic when setting up your ticket templates. Hope this helps - Frankii 5 years ago

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