
Custom Ticket Rule - Send Email on Ticket Creation and Closing to CC Participants

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Hello All,


I am trying to create a custom ticket rule where it will select all tickets, with an email address or multiple are added to the CC list in a ticket.

After I pick out the emails, I would like to send an email text on ticket creation, "hey XY you ticket was created, the ticket id is 123 and bla bla bla" to all email addresses in CC list. 

Afterwards I also would like to do the same when the ticket will be closed. 


I have this one, but it gives me a syntax error. I have to be honest, I have no clue about SQL statements. 


Thanks in advance,



select HD_TICKET.*,

                        HD_STATUS.NAME AS STATUS_NAME,

                        HD_STATUS.ORDINAL as STATUS_ORDINAL,

                        HD_IMPACT.ORDINAL as IMPACT_ORDINAL,

                        HD_CATEGORY.ORDINAL as CATEGORY_ORDINAL,

                        HD_PRIORITY.ORDINAL as PRIORITY_NUMBER,

                              CONCAT_WS(",", HD_CATEGORY.CC_LIST, U1.EMAIL) AS TICKETEMAIL,


                        if(M1.ID is null, 'z', concat('a', M1.NAME)) as sort_MACHINE_NAME,

                        if((datediff(DUE_DATE, now()) = 0), 2, if((datediff(DUE_DATE, now())<0), 1, 3)) as SORT_OVERDUE_STATUS,

                        if(unix_timestamp(TIME_OPENED) > 0, TIME_OPENED, 1<<62) as SORT_TIME_OPENED,

                        if(unix_timestamp(TIME_STALLED) > 0, TIME_STALLED, 1<<62) as SORT_TIME_STALLED,

                        if(unix_timestamp(TIME_CLOSED) > 0, TIME_CLOSED, 1<<62) as SORT_TIME_CLOSED,

                        if(unix_timestamp(ESCALATED) > 0, ESCALATED, 1<<62) as SORT_ESCALATED,

                        if(unix_timestamp(HD_TICKET.CREATED) > 0, HD_TICKET.CREATED, 1<<62) as SORT_TIME_CREATED,

                        if(unix_timestamp(HD_TICKET.MODIFIED) > 0, HD_TICKET.MODIFIED, 1<<62) as SORT_MODIFIED,

                        if(unix_timestamp(HD_TICKET.DUE_DATE) > 0, HD_TICKET.DUE_DATE, 1<<62) as SORT_DUE_DATE,

                        case upper(STATE)

                        when 'CLOSED' then unix_timestamp(HD_TICKET.TIME_CLOSED) - unix_timestamp(HD_TICKET.TIME_OPENED)

                        when 'OPENED' then unix_timestamp(NOW()) - unix_timestamp(HD_TICKET.TIME_OPENED)

                        else unix_timestamp(NOW()) - unix_timestamp(HD_TICKET.CREATED) end as AGE,

                        if ((LENGTH(U1.FULL_NAME) = 0), U1.USER_NAME, U1.FULL_NAME) as OWNER_NAME,

                        U1.FULL_NAME as OWNER_FULLNAME,

                        U1.EMAIL as OWNER_EMAIL,

                        if (U1.ID is null, 'z', concat('a', if ((LENGTH(U1.FULL_NAME) = 0), U1.USER_NAME, U1.FULL_NAME))) as SORT_OWNER_NAME,

                        if ((LENGTH(U2.FULL_NAME) = 0), U2.USER_NAME, U2.FULL_NAME) as SUBMITTER_NAME,

                        U2.FULL_NAME as SUBMITTER_FULLNAME,

                        U2.EMAIL as SUBMITTER_EMAIL,

                        if (U2.ID is null, 'z', concat('a', if ((LENGTH(U2.FULL_NAME) = 0), U2.USER_NAME, U2.FULL_NAME))) as SORT_SUBMITTER_NAME,

                        if (U3.ID is null, 'z', concat('a', if ((LENGTH(U3.FULL_NAME) = 0), U3.USER_NAME, U3.FULL_NAME))) as SORT_APPROVER_NAME,

                        if(APPROVAL='rejected', 'Rejected', if(APPROVAL='info', 'More Info Needed', if(APPROVAL='approved', 'Approved', if(APPROVER_ID>0, 'Pending', '')))) as APPROVAL_STATUS,

                        Q.NAME as QUEUE_NAME


                        LEFT JOIN USER U1 on U1.ID = HD_TICKET.OWNER_ID

                        LEFT JOIN USER U2 on U2.ID = HD_TICKET.SUBMITTER_ID

                        LEFT JOIN USER U3 on U3.ID = HD_TICKET.APPROVER_ID

                        LEFT JOIN HD_QUEUE Q on Q.ID = HD_TICKET.HD_QUEUE_ID

                        LEFT JOIN MACHINE M1 on M1.ID = HD_TICKET.MACHINE_ID

                        where HD_PRIORITY.ID = HD_PRIORITY_ID

                        and HD_STATUS.ID = HD_STATUS_ID

                        and HD_IMPACT.ID = HD_IMPACT_ID

                        and HD_CATEGORY.ID = HD_CATEGORY_ID

                        and HD_STATUS.NAME != 'Closed' and HD_TICKET.HD_QUEUE_ID = 15 

                        and HD_CATEGORY.CC_LIST = '%@%'

2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Your query is looking at the category CC information, not the ticket CC information. Can you verify that you want the rule to be based on the ticket CC? - chucksteel 6 years ago
  • Yes Sir, I want the rule based on the ticket CC. - kvnsmn 6 years ago

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