
Dell Venue Pro 11 PXE Problem

Hey everyone i am trying to PXE Boot a Dell Venue 11 PRO. When i start the system the keyboard works fine and i am able to get into the Bios and select a boot device, but once i boot to the onboard NIC(the one in the dock) The keyboard stops working. I cant get this thing to work for the Life of me 

3 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • do you have the latest usb drivers for the kbe? - Timi 10 years ago
  • I did download the KBE 5.0 Drivers - kynagr 10 years ago
  • I believe this a bug when you use legacy pxe. You can use a boot action to get around this using the MAC-Address of the dock. That way you skip the KBE selection prompt. - nlieschke 10 years ago

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