
Deploying Office 2010 Standard

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I'm having issue deploying Office 2010 via my K1000. I know I have it zipped correctly and the correct command line.

What about all the other check boxes? I'm guessing my issue may be there. Which ones should and should not be checked.

Also, does the fact the K1000 no longer finds the appdeploy site in an attempt to find a matching software package profile cause any issues? It doesn't like being forwarded so, it pretty much gives me the finger and throws up that big Green patch complaining it can't find the appdeploy site.

Thanks, -Mike


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Answers (2)

Posted by: philologist 12 years ago
Red Belt

What error are you seeing?  What check boxes are you concerned about?

Make sure you have operating systems selected on the software detail page corresponding to the OS you would like to install on.  Note that service packs and versions create additional selections, so selecting Windows 7 Pro will not allow install on Windows 7 Ent, Windows 7 Pro x64, or Windows 7 Pro SP1.

Use the configure manually radio button if you are using an exe rather than an msi.

Make sure the deployment open window is from 0 to 24.

Pre and post install messages should not impact the deployment.

The green patch means it couldn't find that specific software, not necessarily that it can't find Appdeploy, however, the transition to ITNinja may have something to do with this too.  The URLs may not point to the proper location anymore.

Posted by: WGM_Jeff 12 years ago
4th Degree Black Belt

I just have the setup.exe /adminfile "office.msp" . with nothing checked and it is working fine. 

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