Desktop Shortcuts Wizard ( enforece url onto user's desktop )
Hello Kace ITninja
I appreciate if you could guide me with what information I need to enter into the fields when runnning the Kace desktop shortcut wizard. I followed the k1000_AG.Pdf on page 181 titled "Desktop Shortcuts Wizard" directions.
It successfully pushed a genric IE icon to the user's Windows 7 professional desktop but when I click on the shortcut it fails to open the url, which is a google form. These computers are using Internet Explorer 10 version 10.0.9200.17414
What information should I enter into the following fields when using Internet explorer
working directory
also want to change this icon to a custom icon.
Answers (2)
I push shortcuts by:
1- Get shortcut working on tech machine
2- Zip shortcut
3- create script and use .zip file containing shortcut as dependency
launch a program:
directory: $(KACE_SYS_DIR)
Parameters: /c xcopy $(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR)\*.lnk c:\users\public\desktop /q /y
Hello IT Ninja's I tried this solution and it failed to place shortcut on the user's desktop even though Kace showed success. What am I doing wrong? Do I need to upload dependencys for this to work. For example do I need to add zip program to unzip the shortcut and do I need to cmd.exe and xcopy command so Kace can run thoes commands.
Is there an easier solution by using the built in kace desktop short cut . I tried that but can't figure out the target and parameters and working directory enteeries. ( good news is I got the short cut on the user's desk but its blank no link
Launch a program...
Wait for completion
-location="Desktop" -name="2nd kanban shortcut" -target="C:\ProgramData\Mic"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application"" -args="" -startin="" - grochowk 5 years ago
To use a different icon, you have to do it a different, more roundabout way. Read all the directions before doing this.
These are similar to SMal.tmcc's instructions, but with another step for the icon.
First, create a shortcut to Internet Explorer. Now, in order to launch a URL from a .lnk shortcut (note that we're not using a .url shortcut - you can't customize the icon on a .url shortcut), you have to enter it after the path to IE, so the Target would look like this: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
At the bottom of this window, you'll notice there's a Change Icon button. Click that.
Browse to your icon file and select it. Your shortcut now knows to use that icon.
However, you need a place to put the icon on the end user's computer because the shortcut does not store the icon, it only references it, and it's a hard reference. Let's use C:\Temp as an example.
Put your icon in C:\Temp, and NOW go to the Properties of the shortcut and click Change Icon, pointing it to the file in C:\Temp.
Bundle both of those up into a .zip file. This will be what you distribute.
Now create a script with that .zip file as a dependency. Unzip it to C:\Temp, then have another command to move the shortcut to the desktop.
Hope this helps!
Thanks for the quick response, in addition to this solution do
You know of a way to use the shortcut wizard to perform the same task. - grochowk 5 years ago