
Detecting the version of WinZip and if it's Eval or Paid

We used to use WinZip and bought one for each PC up to v9, after which the massive cost decided us to go for 7zip instead. I pushed this out and did my best to remove Winzip from the PCs (this predates KACE so wasn't all too successful, it left the Add Remove entry)

I'm trying to create a Software item to filter for PCs that actually have Winzip. So far so good as I am checking for programfiles\winzip\winzip32.exe but is there something I can check to see if the installed copy is the registered or eval version?

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Answers (2)

Posted by: pjgeutjens 12 years ago
Red Belt

from the winzip website (http://kb.winzip.com/kb/entry/74/)

The WinZip Multi-User Registration File: WinZip.wzmul

Customers who purchase a multi-user license will receive a unique WinZip.wzmul registration file which must be copied to a WinZip subfolder in the Windows Common AppData folder. This folder contains application data for all users. For Windows 7 and Windows Vista, a typical path for the WinZip.wzmul file is C:\ProgramData\WinZip. For Windows XP a typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\WinZip. The presence of WinZip.wzmul in this folder will convert WinZip to a licensed, registered version.


Could this be of use to you?

  • That sounds like /exactly/ what I am looking for! I will try it and let you know :) - Acedashdog 12 years ago
  • Hmmn. I wonder if that only applies to the newer versions. The version we have still around is v9 and after installing that there's no sign of that file anywhere on C:\ - Acedashdog 12 years ago
Posted by: dandirk 12 years ago
Third Degree Green Belt

Use a reg or file monitor, install winzip eval.  Then start monitor, enter serial and apply.

The monitor should show what it's doing to turn from eval to full.. Use this data to filter.

  • It doesn't work that way. It's registered winzip from the moment it's installed, it's a completely different product. But some PCs people have slipped different editions on and I need to know how many license breaches we have. Some of those may be eval and some not. - Acedashdog 12 years ago

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