Device Actions fail despite IE settings?
Tried to create new Device Action to run a vncviewer.exe client and it consistently fails (RealVNC\VNC Viewer\vncviewer.exe). Tested the built-in Microsoft RDP device action with the same result. I saw the several posts about setting IE settings to allow various Active X permissions, tried that and got the same "Unable to run Device Action" error message. Added the IP and full host name to the Trusted Sites zone for IE; even tried using IE Tab extension for Chrome - no dice. Any advice would be appreciated.
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Also - I'm on Windows 8.1 Update 1, so IE 11. - Relic 10 years ago
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Posted by:
10 years ago
Did you follow these steps to the T?:
Yes - I followed the instructions in that article specifically. Tested the Device Action command path on my local machine successfully, set all the special ActiveX settings as listed, added K1000, Kbox, kbox.<domain.dom>, and the IP address of the Kbox all to the Trusted Sites zone. - Relic 10 years ago