Displaying message to the user running from task sequence in SCCM 2007
Hi All,
I am looking for an solution to display the message for 15 mins before moving to next step in the task sequence.
We need to close Outlook and Lync before uninstalling existing Lync. We are using the task sequence to uninstall the exisitng Lync.
Prior to calling the uninstall package, I would like to display the message to the user so that they will be given adequate time to close the Outlook and Lync.
We were able to display the message if we install the package by calling the package program by itself. But samething is not working when I call the package program in the task sequence since task sequence is preventing to display any messages.
Below are the solutions we tried but no luck.
1. Package program is set to allow User interaction.
2. ServiceUI is used in the Task sequence command line to call the vbscript which will display the message.
appreciate your help in this regards,
Answers (3)
Try this, Ive had trouble like that in the past as well. Its a real pain. This works, but keep in mind the time out period should not exceed 2 hours or whatever it is that SCCM deems the task sequence to have failed, it must be within that time. Hope you get what I mean.
Hi Rileyz, Thanks for the solution. However I can not download 3rd party utilities due to IT protection policies. Do you have any other alternatives? - WSPPackager 11 years ago
Most companies would broadcast a message to say that on day 'x', an upgrade will take place that requires users to log off. A reminder is sent out the day before and then, some hours before the package is due to be deployed, any targetted machine which has a user logged in is restarted. If the users are too stupid to read and understand emails and leave unsaved files open - tough.
If your company policy is more....delicate, why not build/source an HTA with a countdown timer?
...like this http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Accurate-HTA-Countdown-and-3fd670d6
Thanks VBScab for the response. We do forecast the deployment information however users will ignore those emails. I can develop a HTA but I need to find a way to use it in the task sequence. Since the HTA will be called from the task sequence and sccm will prevent to display any messages to the user. - WSPPackager 11 years ago
I'll bet a pound to a penny you already use MDT so that bypasses the "no 3rd party tools" embargo [a more short-sighted view would be hard to imagine but hey, I've suffered under worse!] - anonymous_9363 11 years ago
To get computer name and other input variables use SCCM Task Sequence OS Deployment Orchestrator. It's free and enterprise grade.https://sccmtspsi.com/
A Just to mention a few benefits:
- Detailed email reporting of task sequence deployments.
- Unlock Bitlocker (Active Directory, remote Active Directory, MBAM, file & key)
- OnDemand task sequence selection.
- Operating system selection
- Office application selection.
- SCCM application selection.
- SCCM collection membership in real-time.
- Active directory group membership.
- Add Primary system users.
- Save and restore user data (USMT).
- 18 extension attribute assignments.
- Automatic staging.
- Decommissioning.
Documentation : https://sccmtspsi.com/documentation/