
Does an RSA (Ver 3.7.113042) need the same Security Certificates as the K2 (Version 3.7.116629)

We have finally gotten to the point that we are distributing RSA's over the 1500 sq miles PCC spans.  We have a standard "Verisign" cert on our K2, as well as the public key and intermediate cert., do we need to put the same commercial cert/s on our RSA's?

Larry Reaney

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Answers (1)

Posted by: StockTrader 9 years ago
Red Belt

if your certificate is a wildcard one (*.yourdomain.com) you can use the same certificate on your K2000 and RSAs but it is not required to use the certificate everywhere.
If your certificate is only for a single common name (k2000.yourdomain.com) you cannot use the certificate on a server with a different name.
Anyway is not a requirement to enable the SSL on all your K2000 infrastructure if you do not want to do so.
 Kind regards,
 Marco - StockTrader 

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