
SDA New KBE will not boot to the menu

Trying to create a new KBE with Windows 11. Downloaded WADK from Microsoft from May 2024 (10.1.26100.1), downloaded new driver feed for Windows 11 for the desktop I am testing with, using latest Media Manager downloaded from the SDA. I'm on 9.2.107. The KBE is created without error and uploaded. I've disabled AV on my system while I do this.  Whenever I use PXE boot to the new KBE, it will boot into PE but I get the following script error from the HTA before I get to the menu: 

Line: 10
Char: 9
Error: Permission Denied. 'http.open'
Code: 0
URL: file://Y:/hts/check_license.html

After this my only options pretty much to shut down or reboot. Our license is good.  My ancient Windows 10 KBE that was created like 4 years ago from the old Win 10 WADK, I have no problem with. It gets me to the menu fine, but it errors out on the Win11 scripted install, so I figured we may need a new KBE using Windows 11, however I can't seem to get past the error above. Has anyone else seen this?

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Answers (6)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: TheAustinDave 4 weeks ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt

Hi Androctus, 

Seeing that the latest ADK is being used along with the latest Media Manager from 9.2.107, what version of the PE drivers is installed on the samba share (/ikbox/kbe_windows_x64) ? The only drivers needed is for the network and storage devices, its rare when an additional driver is needed. You didn't mention what the Manufacture and model is for this system being booting into the KBE.

Does the system have RAID enabled but only a single hard drive, if so I would change the setting to AHCI.

Some vendors link for the WinPE drivers:



LENOVO    Note: Lenovo don't have a WinPE pack for several devices like Dell and HP does.

MICROSOFT  (how to extract the Microsoft drivers MSIs: msiexec /a c:\SurfacePro_Win10_15063_1704007_0.msi /qb targetdir=c:\surface )

SAMSUNG (trusted provider)



Posted by: Androctus 4 weeks ago
White Belt

The model I'm using for testing is a Dell Optiplex 3060 Micro. I have the proper drivers for this system downloaded in the Driver feed on the SDA for Win10 and Win11 before I created the KBE, and I'm using the option to inject drivers from the SDA. The system does not seem to have an issue either accessing the network or the local drive , and it is set to AHCI. I have the latest BIOS on it. I don't think the PE drivers is the issue, but just in case I uploaded the ones from Dell at the link you provided into the Samba share. Same error. 

I'm getting this error when Startnet.cmd states "**** Launching Deployment Client"

Posted by: TheAustinDave 3 weeks ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt

The driver feed on the SDA is only for post image deployment and it injects the drivers, the drivers which are included in the KBE are located in the Samba share //ikbox/drivers/kbe_windows_x64 folder (or correct architecture). Any changes to the drivers used for KBE will not impact any already built KBE's, so you can access that location to clear all the drivers in all the folders at the //ikbox/drivers/ path and then install only the latest PE drivers. Would recommend to copy them into the kbe_windows_x64 folder as when a KBE is created it looks in all the folders for drivers to include in that KBE. Complete a recache of the drivers, this lets the SDA appliance know there have been changes in that path and create a new KBE to test the boot. 

The PE Driver set, ADK version and Media Manager can cause odd errors if there is a miss-match between them. Startnet.cmd is what is called once the KBE has been loaded into a RamDrive and is attempting to run the KBE, does some system reports and then goes to the deployment screen. The error being observed is before it reaches a deployment screen correct?

If this doesn't resolve the issue I recommend opening a ticket up with support so they can assist with a WebEx or Teams session.

Posted by: Androctus 3 weeks ago
White Belt

An update and recache of the PE drivers left me with a different error (8004100c), which gave me hope.  There is actually a KB for this issue HERE. I ran the fix described, and that fixed that error, but now I'm once again back where I started. 

The error occurs when the system launches the deploy.hta, which is the deployment menu. It invokes a number of other functions in its script section, either javascript or html, two of which are generating errors when deploy.hta attempts to load causing it to display only the reboot/shutdown menu options.

I am engaged with Quest support now. They've given me a number of things to try, which if it comes to a resolution, I will update this for whoever else may come along. One thing they did say though was not to use the Win11 driver pack for PE. In their words, "it does not work." 

Posted by: Androctus 3 weeks ago
White Belt

Top Answer

The solution ended up being to do a clean install of Windows (I used 10 as I had a scripted install already set up on my SDA) Then install the Windows ADK, WinPE add-on and the SDA media Manager. In other words, to use a system that has no Antivirus installed and has not yet touched our domain to apply any Group Policy Objects. According to Quest support, these are the main culprits that produce this error.  Another image That I had tested with had AV installed (didn't work even if I disable it) and had been previously joined to the domain and unjoined did not work, so I'm leaning towards a GPO, or even a local security policy being the cause of the error. Which, I have no idea and can't take the time to find out. The media manager doesn't seem to leave a log anywhere when it creates the KBE. I'm just glad it is working now. 

Posted by: TheAustinDave 3 weeks ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt

Glad that it was finally solved - the Media Manager does create a log file when it runs and is located at %temp% directory. File is MediaManager.txt contains details where the summary box when running Media Manager shows for each stage. 

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